Wart Removal Cream I Have A Friend Who Is Looking For The Most Effective OTC Genital Wart Removal Cream. There Are Alot Of?

I have a friend who is looking for the most effective OTC genital wart removal cream. There are alot of? - wart removal cream

Web sites, but personal experience speaks volumes. Can anyone help? Thanks


Kelsey said...

I had used a friend, cider vinegar. It is very gentle on the skin of the genitals, and it works. You saturate a cotton ball in vinegar and then do with tape or medical tape (that pulls the paper the other types of skin and the pain!) Change cotton daily. Wart turn white, then black, then fall off. It's a bit scary but not painful.
In addition, ensure that your friend knows that are suitable for the treatment back. Warts are caused by viruses, which are not deleted sometimes causes. Even if he or she has warts visible diesn't, they can still forwards it on to others.

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